Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Enrollment Leaves Student Body Divided

Enrollment Leaves Student Body Divided

This past fall marks Texas State University's 16 consecutive year breaking attendance records with a total of 35,568 students enrolled.

According to some students, the continual growth of Texas State is a necessary step in the right direction for the school to become more reputable.
Ashley Jefferies
Music major Ashley Jefferies said the university should continue to grow as long as it adapts to the population increase and makes the school more reputable. 

Jefferies’ outlook on the increasing growth of the student population is positive, but the continual construction is giving her doubts.

"There is always construction, and they could do a better job at creating better buildings and facilities," said Jefferies.

Others aren't such avid supporters of the school’s growth due to the continual construction and the limited space at the university.

Mason Randolph

Even though the school has been growing substantially during the past 16 years, the majority of the growth has come recently. Construction has been constant burden for the past couple years around campus.

"Construction is so frustrating because it seems like it's always going on," environmental studies major Mason Randolph said.

Gina Adibi
Another student, Gina Adibi, 21-year-old engineering major said it's kind of annoying and parking sucks. She said since she lives near campus the trip to school isn't such a burden.

Construction is always expected when there is exponential expansion like the university is dealing with right now, but some students suggest making admission to Texas State more difficult.

"They need to make admission to Texas State harder," English major Kelsey Kotzur said.

Kelsey Kotzur
Similar to Kotzur, Randolph believes that the school should maybe think about putting a cap on the number of students admitted to the university.

"They should set a goal, like, 3,500 students and then try to accommodate those many students, like making more parking spots and stuff rather than just building more dorms," he said.

The total number of students enrolled wasn't the only record that was broken this year; the undergraduate enrollment reached a new record of 31,032. Largely in part by the incoming freshmen class recording a class of 5,181. Of those students, approximately 49 percent were in the top 25 percent of their graduating high school class.

"Of those, a larger number of freshmen from the top 10 percent of their graduating class were among this group than in previous years," Texas State University President Denise M. Trauth said in a statement.

High enrollment shows that the school is successful in its efforts to become a leading university in the state.

“This new high in student enrollment demonstrates that Texas State continues to be a leading university in the state, and that students and their families recognize our institution offers both an outstanding educational experience as well as an exceptional value,” said Trauth.

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