Interview by Jacob Goodman
Chelsea Marshall
junior transfer Constructional Technology Major at Texas State University
Chelsea is from Kyle, Texas
Chelsea can be reached through her email at atxcamarshall@gmail
Question: Do you think that the increasing enrollment at Texas State is a sign of success?
Chelsea Marshall: "To an extent its a success, a part of me thinks they're trying to compete with A& M and UT.
Question: Did the size of the university influence your decision to come here?
Chelsea Marshall: "No it did not".
Question: Should the University continue to grow?
Chelsea Marshall: "Honestly it depends on quality. I'd like to see graduate school expand."
Question: Do you think the expansion of Texas State enrollment is a positive or a negative?
Chelsea Marshall: "If we keep increasing professors and classes it has to be proportional. We have to focus on quality."
Quality would be better if they slowed down (indirect)
Question: What do you think is causing Texas State's growth?
Chelsea Marshall: "A lot of it is that they want economic growth."
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