Thursday, February 27, 2014

Texas State Breaks Enrollment Records-by: Katie McLendon

SAN MARCOS--Texas State University announced its record-breaking enrollment for the 2013 fall semester, a staggering 35,568 students, marking Texas State’s 16th consecutive year for breaking enrollment records.

Over the past sixteen years, Texas State has continually given more students the opportunity to an education, a duty Denise M. Trauth, President of Texas State University does not take lightly.

“We take our role in preparing the next-generation work force in Texas very seriously, so it is gratifying to see that so many incoming students are choosing to attend Texas State,” she said.

In a recent press release, not only has Texas State’s enrollment increased by 1,343 students from the 2012 enrollment year, it’s also the most diverse student body in the university’s history.

Texas State’s increased enrollment has created some positive and negative views with some of the university’s students. Some students said the campus is unable to accommodate its increased amount of students, and until the campus constructs more parking, the enrollment should no longer increase.

Mason Randolph, an environmental studies senior, said that while it is Texas State’s incentive to make profit and accept as many students as possible, it would be beneficial to cap the amount of students who get accepted each year.

“They should set a goal, like 3,500 students and then try to accommodate those students, like making more parking and stuff rather than just building more dorms,” he said.

Parking seems to be an major issue among students. The construction on campus seems to be a never-ending ordeal. Sydney Affilitto, an early education student says that even though the current construction on campus is a pain, in the long run it will be worth it. “In order to create more parking, there has to be construction,” she said.

Mitch Quintanilla, a music major, says parking has always been an issue, even when he began his college education in 2006. “If they do continue to grow the university needs…a few more parking garages,” he said.

Not all students see this increased enrollment in students as a negative issue. Brigitte Menard, a dance and business major, said she looked forward to attending Texas State so she could receive a real college experience.

“I like that there is people everywhere. People hanging out at the river, at the square, and around campus,” she said. “Hopefully more students means more privileges like better options for food, buses, and things like that.”

Frankie DiMento, a political science and philosophy senior, said education is something that Texas State should give to as many students as possible.

“Education is a great thing so increased enrollment just means more people getting a good education,” he said.

Trauth said the increased student enrollment shows that Texas State continues to be a top university in the state. Texas State has a duty to not only give students a great education, but a great experience as well.

“Students and their families recognize our institution offers both an outstanding experience as well as an exceptional value.”

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