Thursday, February 27, 2014

Growth at Texas State Evokes Various Emotions

Alexis Oliver



Texas State University announced its record-breaking enrollment of 35,568 students for the fall 2013 semester, making it Texas State’s 16th consecutive year for increasing enrollment.


The student population has grown by 1,343 students since 2012.

“Of those, a large number of freshmen from the top ten percent of their graduating class were among this group than in previous years,” University President Denise M. Trauth said in the press release published in September 2013. “This new high in student enrollment demonstrates that Texas State continues to be a leading university in the state, and that students and their families recognize our institution offers both an outstanding educational experience as well as an exceptional value,” said Trauth. President Trauth is pleased with the increasing population, the growing number of students has caused various problems for Bobcats both on and off Texas State campus.


"Construction is so frustrating because it seems like it's always going on," environmental studies major Mason Randolph said. student Shanna Bradford agreed that the crowded streets will become a bigger problem if the proper steps are not taken.  “If it continues to grow at that rate there definitely needs to be expansion plans already in place so there's not that congestion problem with traffic," she said. seems as if parking has been a complaint for many students in past years but only continues to worsen. Shortages in parking spots have spread from campus to around San Marcos in general.


“Now the streets are packed all the time, a ridiculous amount of traffic. I can’t ever find a parking spot at HEB,” said senior Kelsey Kotzur.

On the other hand, students like dance and business major Brigitte Menard do not mind the growing student body. “I like that there is people everywhere. People hanging out at the river, at the square, and around campus,” she said. “Hopefully more students mean more privileges like better options for food, buses, and things like that.”



19-year-old Victoria Herrera also chose to focus on the positives like Texas State’s diverse student population increasing."It's a good thing because I'm one of those people,” she said. “It gives you a chance to meet people from all walks of life."



Regardless of the various attitudes towards the consistent growth, it proves to be inevitable that Texas State University student body will continue to grow in the coming years. As long as San Marcos officials make proper adjustments, Texas State’s future is bright.

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