Monday, February 17, 2014

Interview by Jacob Goodman

Interview by Jacob Goodman

Chelsea Marshall
junior  transfer Constructional Technology Major at Texas State University
Chelsea is from Kyle, Texas

Chelsea can be reached through her email at atxcamarshall@gmail
Question: Do you think that the increasing enrollment at Texas State is a sign of success?
Chelsea Marshall: "To an extent its a success, a part of me thinks they're trying to compete with A& M and UT.

Question: Did the size of the university influence your decision to come here?

Chelsea Marshall: "No it did not".

Question: Should the University continue to grow?

Chelsea Marshall: "Honestly it depends on quality.  I'd like to see graduate school expand."

Question: Do you think the expansion of Texas State enrollment is a positive or a negative?

Chelsea Marshall: "If we keep increasing professors and classes it has to be proportional.  We have to focus on quality."

Quality would be better if they slowed down (indirect)

Question: What do you think is causing Texas State's growth?

Chelsea Marshall: "A lot of it is that they want economic growth."

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